Photo Gallery - Page 6

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This was the Loew's Kings on Flatbush, a few blocks away from Erasmus.

--Submitted by Michael Warshaw

Editor's Note: Based on the marquee, this photograph was probably taken in late 1960 or early 1961.

This was the Patio Theater on Flatbush Avenue, torn down in the early 60s and replaced by the Patio Gardens housing complex. The photo was taken from the corner of Flatbush and Chester Court, one of three dead-end blocks that ran between Flatbush and the uncovered tracks where the old D-train ran in the 1960s. They're located between Lincoln Road and Parkside Avenue, with Chester Court at about 600-610 Flatbush. That's right where I grew up.

--Submitted by Michael Warshaw

Editor's Note: Based on the marquee and the car and taxicab models, this photograph was probably taken in the late forties or very early fifties. The film "Henry V" was released in this country in 1945, and played in "art houses" like the Patio a few years later.

Garfield's Cafeteria on Church and Flatbush, which I remember as a real landmark in the neighborhood.

--Submitted by Michael Warshaw

Editor's Note: This photograph was taken in the late forties or very early fifties.

The Coney Island Parachute Jump, taken in August of 1979 from the window of my parent's high rise apartment in Brighton Beach.

--Submitted by Stan Field

The Cyclone at Coney Island, taken in August of 1979.

--Submitted by Stan Field

This photo was taken in 1979 under the El on Brighton Beach Avenue. The store is Mrs. Stahl's Knishes.

--Submitted by Stan Field

This was my grandfather's grocery store at 19 Carlton Avenue. I don't know the year, but it has to be sometime before 1960.

--Submitted by Dan Carbone

This was my sister's wedding at 1389 St. John's Place in 1952.

--Submitted by Bermie Fox

Editor's Note: The building's architecture is unusually ornate, and this wedding was framed by the quintessential fire escapes, stoops, and a yenta's chair. Absolute Brooklyn!

This was the opening day parade of Little Flower Baseball League in 1975. The parade is shown on Avenue D in Flatbush, between Albany Avenue and East 42nd. We held the parade in our neighborhood but played all our games in the fields at Canarsie. We transported the teams in our own cars and no one worried about about repercussions. It was a great life.

--Submitted by Bob Garcia

This was Abraham & Strauss on Fulton Street, taken at the turn of the twentieth century. For all I know, the woman looking at the camera could be my great-aunt Lena, who worked there until she died in the 1940s.

--Submitted by Ben Friedman

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