For displaced, misplaced, and nostalgic ex-Brooklynites

Message Content Guidelines


These guidelines have been developed to keep our Nostalgia Message Board focused, manageable in size, and civilized. If we allowed everyone to post anything they wanted, it would soon become too large to load in a reasonable time, and very costly in terms of space on our server. Some of the guidelines are in place to protect our investment in time and money. This website costs a great deal to maintain, and its revenue is extremely limited.

These guidelines apply to everyone, regardless of Brooklyn Board status (i.e. whether or not you have made a donation, are a voluntary subscriber, first-timers, old-timers, etc.).

Some of you might take exception with our policies and feel that we are censoring. So be it. You are welcome to browse elsewhere if you feel this is all too draconian. We are very tolerant and will not take measures without good reason. Now, please read all the details. Your compliance with these guidelines is mandatory when posting a message on our Nostalgia Message Board and will be sincerely appreciated.

  1. The Nostalgia Message Board is intended to serve former residents of Brooklyn. With that target in mind, your message should in some way deal with Brooklyn of the past.

  2. The thread of messages may occasionally go into areas that are not directly related to Brooklyn of the past. However, this should only occur on responses to original messages. New topics should always be past-Brooklyn-related.

  3. Advertising of any kind whatsoever is absolutely prohibited in the content of your messages posted on the Nostalgia Message Board. This includes direct offers as well as references to other websites that sell any products or services.

  4. Here are some examples of message types that should NOT be posted:

    • Current Events or present-day issues: the latest shooting, Mayor De Blasio, etc.
    • Politics and/or Religion: discussions of past Brooklyn politics or politicians may be acceptable, so long as the discussion is directly related to Brooklyn, but current political issues are not. Posts that specifically discuss merits, issues or tenets of any religion are prohibited.
    • Personal Announcements: birthday, anniversary, and other such announcements directed at friends or family members.
    • Personal Agendas: using this site to advocate or promote your personal agenda or favorite subject which is not Brooklyn nostalgia.
    • Fund Raising, Petitions or "We-Need-Your-Support" Requests: at the risk of seeming cold-hearted, we must say no to these as well. There are simply too many causes for individuals, groups, campaigns, etc. for us to accommodate on the Nostalgia Message Board. Much as we'd like to provide a way to plead for help, it is too much of a responsibility for us to determine who or which cause merits accommodation.
    • Copyrighted Material: previously published (on the web or elsewhere) material. Cutting and pasting may make it easy, but it doesn't make it legal.
    • Chain Letters: don't even think about posting one of these.

  5. The Nostalgia Message Board is not a "chat room". Therefore, please do not post messages that are unsubstantial, or which address a specific person conversationally. For example, a message whose sole content is:

    "Jane - email me about tomorrow night."

    takes up space (and therefore time to load) and has no meaning to our general audience.

  6. Name Spoofing and abuse of the Name field: You are allowed a reasonable degree of anonymity here, but please don't abuse this freedom. Your use of multiple nicknames within the same topic thread, or the use of a nickname that is deemed to be an intentional attempt to impersonate the identity of a person other than yourself is prohibited. All activity using a Brooklyn Board ID will be considered the responsibility of the registered owner of that ID; it is not acceptable for multiple users to share a single Brooklyn Board registered ID. It is also not acceptable to use the Name field for comments. Consistent abuse of this kind may result in the loss of full anonymity privileges or other remedies.

  7. Messages requesting technical assistance of any kind, or concerns about the appearance or content or operation of the website or how people should post, or questions about missing or deleted messages should not be posted on the Nostalgia Message Board. Please use either email ( ) or the Comments and Suggestions facility for these.

  8. A very appropriate use of the Nostalgia Message Board is discussing your old neighborhood. Your message can contain as many details as you'd like to share. Of course, we don't want you to post a complete biography or novel, but two or three paragraphs of detailed memories would be just fine.

  9. Another good use of the Nostalgia Message Board is discussing Brooklyn events or people that you remember. (If you're trying to find someone from your past, however, you should consider using the Missing Persons List instead of the Nostalgia Board.)

  10. Keep in mind that not everyone will share the opinions or views you may express in your message, so don't be upset by "spirited" responses. (However, see the next points below.)

  11. Remarks that are even remotely racist or sexist, abusive, threatening, derogatory, or antagonistic toward a person or group are extremely unwelcome on the Nostalgia Message Board and will be deleted. The author of such messages may be subject to loss of posting priveleges or other actions.

  12. Sometimes, a memory of an individual may be negative. A message may discuss someone in a negative manner (e.g. "I hated my science teacher, Miss Ozone, who was a real witch to me...") so long as the message does not cross over the line into libelous statements (unproved accusations, unsubstantiated statments with obvious harm or malice intended; e.g. Miss Ozone was a thief and had venereal disease...).

  13. Some topics may have been discussed previously, so you may want to search the archives before posting your message.

  14. Messages may not offer products or services of any kind, even if they're free of charge. There are no exceptions to this without explicit permission from .

  15. Messages may neither contain requests for products or services of a commercial nature, nor solicit input for the support of any commercial venture. SofTech Consulting will determine what constitutes "commercial" in this case, so please before posting.

  16. Due to liablility and other concerns, we're very touchy around here when it comes to links and references to other websites. The primary reason for this is to avoid references to commercial sites (those that charge a fee for a product or service) since this constitutes advertising, and references to sites that may contain offensive material (and we've been burned by such links once too many times). While many links or site references are harmless and may even be of use or interest to our audience, we can't evaluate the content of every site that may be mentioned, so your best bet is to refrain from plugging other websites entirely.

SofTech Consulting (the owner and operator of this website) reserves the right to delete any message deemed unsuitable for the Nostalgia Message Board.

Persistent, blatant, or serious violations of these guidelines may result
in suspension or termination of posting privileges without notification.

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